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The Penna way

We believe in a holistic and well-balanced approach to sustainability, where we consider environmental, economic, and social aspects in every decision. Discover how we help businesses become "future fit".

Our Purpose

At Penna, our purpose is to empower businesses and organisations to thrive sustainably. We are committed to guiding our clients towards a greener, more sustainable future, where economic, environmental, and social dimensions are harmoniously balanced. We believe that sustainability isn't just a choice; it's a path to success. Our purpose is to help our clients become 'future fit,' fostering resilience, innovation, and prosperity while making a positive impact on our planet."

Our Vision

We are here to be a pioneering force in sustainability consultancy in New Zealand and beyond. We aspire to be the trusted partner for businesses seeking to integrate sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into their core strategies. We envision a world where organisations are not only successful but also responsible global citizens, where sustainability is the driving force behind their decisions. Our vision is to lead the way in building a sustainable, equitable, and thriving future for all.

Environmental technology concept. Sustainable development goals. SDGs_edited.jpg
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