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ESG Risk & Opportunity Management and Adaptive Planning

Gain a comprehensive approach to ESG risk and opportunity management. We will help you identify, assess, and leverage ESG risks and opportunities while also offering adaptive planning to navigate uncertain times effectively.

Key Services:

  • ESG Risk Assessment

  • Opportunity Identification and Exploitation

  • Scenario Planning for ESG Risks

  • Adaptive Planning for Uncertain Futures


Scenario planning and adaptive planning services  help you not only understand and manage ESG risks but also prepare for a range of possible future scenarios and adapt to changing circumstances effectively.

Risks are the effects of uncertainty on your goals. These effects generally are different from what you expected to happen. They can be good for business, bad for business, or both and consequently can create opportunities and/or threats. Forecasting and managing potential risks allow you to be prepared for the negative and take full advantage of the positive.

There are many tools out there to help businesses manage their risks and opportunities. At Penna, we align ourselves with the best of the global standards and guidelines. That is why to help our clients, we use the ISO 31000 Risk management - Guidelines which suit any organisation regardless of its size and industry. For larger organisations, we can help by aligning you with Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

We collaborate with different departments in your organisation to identify risks and opportunities, (particularly Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) related risks) analyse them, design appropriate responses and communicate them when needed.

Get in touch to see how we can help you identify, assess, and manage the risks and opportunities your business is facing.

ESG risk and opportunity management

Ready to Elevate Your Sustainability and ESG Performance? Let's Get Started!

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